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Started Konked Out Today,

By bhp, April 17, 2015

my 2003 corolla, I banged it with wheel wrench and it started again,

I phoned the dealership, they are too busy this weekend.

Maybe I do it myself...

Is this pretty easy job without jacking up the car, ??


All depends. Could be as simple as corroded starter contacts or a stuck bendix (corrosion or lack of grease). Unfortunately, aside from the contacts - pretty much everything else you need to do with the starter - you'll have to pull it off.

Not super hard to do - but lots of jumping around. Biggest issue with me was trying to get at the bolts (couldn't see the top one) - ended up moving a fair amount of stuff out of the way to make it easier for me (ie, removed intake manifold). That point - you can get at the top bolt pretty easily, I went under to take out the bottom bolt, but I guess you could pull everything from above.

I did it all from above, without removing intake manifold.


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