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Seafoam Engine Treatment

by zcpro, December 9, 2008

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I've noticed rattling/knocking noise at higher RPMs in my 2000 corolla, usually right before the automatic shifts to the next gear. I have heard a lot about seafoam, but I'm a complete noob when it comes to mechanical things like engines. I'm about due for another oil change (this time I will buy an oil filter wrench cap thingy and make sure I can loosen the filter before draining the oil out of the car. I only went about 2000 miles since I didn't get to change the filter). I was wondering if seafoam treatment is easy enough for a novice like myself? Also, I see that there are multiple places to introduce the seafoam. Where would be the best place for me to put it based on my car's symptoms? Thanks!

  • 200 posts
Any update on your CEL situation Jeff?

I actually only used 1 can and still have some of it left, which will be used in the crankcase when I finally get a chance to change oil. The CEL has not come back since it was reset.

It still has not come back so I think I'm in the clear. As soon as I can, I will replace the plugs and wires, PCV valve, O2 sensor, and catalytic converter.

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