Hi, could really use some help.
I have a 2002 Toyota Corolla with over 130,000 miles. Recently when I turn on the engine and the heater is in the on position already the engine makes an uneven noise and then stalls and dies out. I took the car to be checked out at a shop and they performed the following: radiator drain and fill package, three-step pro fuel package, tuneup package and a few other things. Their notes: stalls through idle no CIL. Has PO 420 in memory/history codes cat efficiency. Found plugs fouled, valve cover seals leaking, replaced coils/plugs/gasket, if light returns may require cat. May also require IAC motor, but working at this time.
After picking up my car it continues to do the same thing. When I turn on the engine and the heater is already in the on position the engine stalls and dies out. When I turn on the vehicle with the heater in the off position the engine turns over fine but when I do turn on the heater it stalls out and dies.
The mechanic recommended that because there is some type of cleaning solution in the fuel system or engine that I should continue to drive it because it can take 4 to 5 hours to work itself through the system.
He said that if the problem persists it could be a more expensive repair but he could not give me a quote.
I'm hoping that this issue is more common than not I have seen it come up a few times and Google searches but I'm just looking for any advice or recommendations. Thank you for reading and appreciate any assistance you can offer.