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Removing The Turn Signal Flasher

by xaml, July 31, 2014

Car is 2000 Corolla.

Yesterday, while I had my hazard lights on...they stopped blinking. Now, the turn signals and the hazards will turn on BUT will not blink. I verified that all the signal lights actually light just does not blink.

It looks like the problem is that the "turn signal flasher". I've read that this is under a fuse box that is located under the driving steering wheel.

Does anyone know how easy it is to access the fuse box? I looked underneath the steering wheel and did not see it located somewhere else?

Sorry, I could not find it. I looked directly up from the brake pedal and all I saw was mechanical components. I also checked the storage compartment and saw the fuses..but no flasher (I did see some "boxes" in the storage compartment but I'm guessing that is not the flasher).

Is it under some sort of cover/kickpanel?

Is your upper left fuse not labeled "TURN" ?

On my 2004, the flasher relay is behind that left compartment door where your fuses are, and my fuses are way up above footwell.

Yes, the upper left fuse of the kickpanel (storage compartment left of the steering wheel) is labeld "TURN". When I removed the kickpanel, I think I can see the "relay" below...but cannot reach it. I cannot reach it from underneath either because there is a looks like that whole cover and the floor side panel has to come off.

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