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More Issues... 299999 Odometer, Rough Idle

by bigdee, May 31, 2014

I'm back. since replacing the injectors, I have not received any p0171 codes (see "Corolla 2006 and ongoing P0171 code"). Fishexpo101, I replaced the downstream O2 sensor and the P0420 error went away. What's strange about that issue is I replaced the original sensor with a Bosche 2.5 years ago. This time I replaced the Bosche with Denso and the error code disappeared. Thanks again Fishexpo101 ...

Now for the new issues. My corolla '06 finally went over the 300000 mark but the odometer is stuck at 299999. I just got back from the dealer and they quoted me $500 to replace/repair. Any thoughts?

Also, I have been having rough idle problems for quite a while know. I would have added this issue earlier but I thought resolving the CEL error codes was more important. Anyway, the car idles rough when in drive and the gas mileage is not great. What's weird is if I reset the system by disconnecting the battery the gas milage is great until the car resets after 60 to 80 miles. Then the rough idle comes back and gas milage drops. The dealer quoted me $229 for a fuel saver package. this included a throttlebody cleaning.

Just to let you know, last week I sprayed and cleaned throttlebody with a toothbrush using throttlebody cleaner. My model has the automatic throttlebody so I do not have the IAC switch. (hope this info is correct?)

I know, I know. I should have come here first before paying $99 for diag. service tech also noted leaks in valve cover gasket, water pump and timing chain tensioner. I believe I can handle these (I did replace my fuel injectors :-)

Well that's it for now. 299999 odometer and rough idle/poor milage. any and all advise would be most appreciated.

Have you ever replaced your leaking intake manifold's original gasket, for revised orange silicone gasket # 17171-22060?

Yes I did DOM and I purchased the orange gasket from dealer ... checkout "Corolla 2006 and ongoing P0171 code" for a longggggg history on that puppy.

What about your primary oxygen sensor on your exhaust manifold? Was it ever replaced with a new Denso?

Yeah, not much you can do about the odometer, other than monitoring that with the trip odometers, or bite the bullet and install a new odometer. You are not alone - a fair number of the 9th gen Corollas and Prius variants have hit the 299,999km mark and just went with the trip meters.

Good to hear that the new injectors fixed the lean condition and the new downstream O2 sensor replacement got rid of the P0420 code - those codes are sort of a pain, being that there are lots of things could set them off. With the mileage you have on your car in such a short time - you happened to run over more miles 8 year old car than some people in couple of decades.

I'm with dom - I'd look at your upstream O2 sensor being a possible culprit in your poor idle and fuel economy issues. This particular flavor of 9th gen uses an air fuel sensor for the upstream one instead of the conventional O2 sensor used for the downstream sensor. That means it is a little more expensive than your regular sensor. Lifespan is pretty variable - since they act like a wideband sensor, their intended service life is likely less than that of a conventional O2 sensor.

That fact that the car runs better after wiping the ECM of stored parameters and running safer default settings before the car relearns, is a sure fire sign of a bad feedback sensor. A bad upstream sensor fits that almost perfectly.

$90 for diagnostics is not too bad - least you have paperwork indicating that you came in to look at the car (might help down the road). As for that dealership $229 "fuel saver package" - best to pass on that, put that money toward something more useful.

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