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02 Corolla Cabin Filter?

By autotech2612, May 10, 2014

I was on RockAuto tonight and noticed there are part numbers for cabin air filters on the 2002 Corolla. Does this particular year really have one?

I watched this YouTube video and this is the same interior as my Corolla (so it's the correct generation), but I still don't see it:


The easy-out cabin filter only appeared on 2003+ Corolla, or allegedly since January 2002... Your articulated filter would only be available from Toyota. Cabin ar filter listed for 2002 Corolla on Rock Auto is only for 9th gen (2003-2008), which may possibly include late 2002 model Corolla made from January 2002.

I just read the comments following the video. One commenter stated this was featured in Corolla's manufactured in later 2001 to mid-2002. Thus, that's why the interior is just like mine.

One less filter to buy. . .

Im confused is this for 8th or 9th gen?

Looks like a different market Corolla than out US market ones. Note that the oversea's market Corollas are generally released a little earlier than our market. Even though I have a 2002 Corolla, I always order parts for a 2001 model to avoid part's confusion. Parts retailers only get a SKU - they don't always get info on the intended market for these parts. For the North American market Corollas - no cabin filter was available from the manufacturer for the 8th gen (1998-2002), though with some fabrication skills, could always modify one to fit a filter.

I've started just ordering parts for 2001 -- especially on Rock now. Rock Auto stating the 2002 Corolla features a cabin filter just proves I should be searching parts on a 2001.

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