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Guest gbt

I'm in a 2005 Corolla CE with about 113,000 km (70,000 miles) and a manual transmission.

I've parked the car outside for about 8 hours in -22 C (-7 F) temperature today. The car complained a little but otherwise started without problems. Drove the car for about 15 minutes and turned it off.

Started it back up after 1 minute, it turned on (engine turned, lights were on) for a split second and then everything died. Tried as I might, but the car was completely dead: no lights, no wipers, the engine wouldn't turn. I couldn't even use the keyless locks; I had to manually lock the car. Came back to it 3 hours later and noticed the security LED blinking and the open door icon very faintly illuminated on the drivers console. Tried to start it up - no luck.

I tried to jump start the battery, but nothing at all, no starter clicking, no engine turning - nothing.

It's been pretty cold here for the past week, averaging about -22 C (-7 F).

Any ideas? Thanks!

You might have either blown the starter relay or a main engine fuse .They are located under the hood. That car needs to get to a warm place first to thaw . Then you need a fresh battery or one charged up inside, not a jump start. If its still a no go check fuses and relay.

Guest gbt


Replaced the battery and it's still a no go. Will check the starter relay and the main engine fuse.


Fuses are fine. I guess it's time to get it towed to a shop.

There are a number of 2005-2007 model years can get a complete no-start condition. This could be caused by a dead ECM. There is an ongoing recall on some 2005-2007 Corolla models with faulty ECMs, but not everyone get the recall notice yet. The dealership should be able to track down the number for you from your VIN.

There are a number of 2005-2007 model years can get a complete no-start condition. This could be caused by a dead ECM. There is an ongoing recall on some 2005-2007 Corolla models with faulty ECMs, but not everyone get the recall notice yet. The dealership should be able to track down the number for you from your VIN.


My 2008 is scheduled for a new ECM on the same recall.

are the battery cables clean and tight? I've seen countless 'mysterious' no starts caused by loose or corroded battery terminals or cables.

are the battery cables clean and tight? I've seen countless 'mysterious' no starts caused by loose or corroded battery terminals or cables.

not to mention cables that are corroded or burned up internally. A good multi meter is invaluable for checking resistance.

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