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2001 Toyota Corolla

Guest formbycory

I am about to install a new cd player in my 01 corolla le. I decided not to get an adapter harness but im just going to clip the factory wiring and wire it directly to the back of the unit. Does anyone know the wiring diagram for this? , I have found a few diagrams that show and list the matching color for factory wiring and new unit wiring but none of them match mine entirely. I just need to know the color of the factory wire and new unit wires that will be connected. Any help is great!!

I highly recommend getting a wiring harness for your car. For the $10-$15 cost of a harness, will almost guarantee you that much less headaches down the road when one clipped of the wires shorts out or you have to replace the headunit with another.

That said - for wiring diagrams, try this link: Look up Toyota, diagram would be valid for Toyota 1988 and newer.

Also note to disconnect the battery before working on anything electronic, don't want to risk shorting something out under the dash, as it would be a bear to trace back wires from under there. Also to minimize the chance of popping the airbag(s) by accident - as I've seen it before. Better safe than sorry.

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