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Corolla 2005 Overheating

Guest portaluser

Hey all, first time posting.

I was coming home from a friends late tonight in pretty cold weather, around 7f, and started having some issues. First thing I noticed was my heat stopped working. I then heard a flapping under my hood and the oil temperature started going up quickly. Before I could get pulled over somewhere the gauge dropped, I'm guessing the sensor burned out, and the check engine light went on. I was only a minute or two from my apartment, so I finished driving. I heard a fast clicking when accelerating even lightly, which went away when I took my foot off the pedal. When I parked it, I could smell burning rubber. I'm guessing I'm having belt problems somewhere. Do these belts get brittle in cold weather, and the fan belt have snapped, or am I likely having other issues?

Thanks in advance for any direction.


Guest portaluser

I should have mentioned, it's an Corolla S 2005 with automatic transmission.

Guest mdzowner


I also have been experiencing this same issue as of late. try checking under the hood, if you have a failed belt it will be obvious. check any tension on the belts as well. if they are loose in any way you have an issue. as far as th e heater goes, the heater core or pump could be going bad. im in the process of checking that at the moment. it takes like 30 minutes for the car to get warm. no good. the butning smell may be from the heater.

Guest mdzowner

oh and if it is the belt. do not drive your car. i just re read your post, the drop in pressure and flapping suggests maybe something serious.

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