Ok, I drive a 1999 Toyota Corolla CE, to start out a few months ago my father changed my oil and left the oil cap off. I then proceded to drive the car around town on errand for approx 80 miles before I caught it. I freaked and immediately checked/ changed the oil again and it still had 3 of the 4 quarts left in it. The other quart was all over my engine.. About a month ago my car wouldn't start and I checked the spark plugs to find oil in the spark plug tubes. This led me to assume I needed a new gasket, I purchased a gasket and new plugs and a timing belt. My father and I installed it all and afterwards it started to run fine again.
Last week I tried to clean up the engine bay by washing it at the car wash, but I only used the car rinse setting, kept my distance and avoided the top of the engine from the spark plugs to the air filter. Then I started having issues again with the engine, now the check engine light flashes while I am driving and the car. I went to an autoshop and they said it was misfiring on all cylinders.. is that possible and it still runs? They told me to get a new coil. Not to be one to spend money immediately I wanted to see how you know a coil is bad. I checked online and a site said to ground each spark plug individually as someone cranks over the engine. The morning I tried that my car would not start. I then pulled the plugs to test the way described and they all sparked. To my dismay all the spark plugs had fuel and oil on the threads... I cleaned off each spark plug, tried starting it again and it weakly ran to life. I can figure out why there would be oil on the threads, I mean this is the part that is in the cylinder correct?
Since I tried to wash the engine, it's been a week, the engine now shakes the car at low rpms and sounds as if it is missfiring when I accelerate. I can barely reach 60 mph now and the car struggles to do this. When I stop for a stop sign I feel as if the car will shake apart. I read some of the posts on clogged sensors and have checked the MAF according to this post http://www.corolland...456#entry159456. I don't know if my issue is related to water from the washing last week or the oil on the spark plug threads. Any ideas for me to check or try would help, I don't have the money to run by toyota atm since I am about to pay for classes.
** I just ran a compression test and got 120/110/90/90 Not good numbers but I can't seem to find the desired psi for the 1999 CE corolla does this mean I need a new head gasket or could it be something else?