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1998 Corolla Ignition Lock Problem

Guest tony

Had problem with ignition lock failing to turn. Removed barrel with a view to get it fixed by locksmith or replaced off breakers yard.

Unfortunately (seeing lock exposed i guess) some petty thief tried to steal the car ripping off the black ring (transponder?) that goes over the top of lock barrel thinking they could put tool in lock / short wires, but battery had been disconnected anyway! The black ring had vanished along with the unsuccessful thief.

My question is having got a replacement barrel if i get a black ring (off a '98 breaker) and connect the two loose wires to it and put it back over the barrel, will this just work?

Thanks in advance, Tony

Those model years didn't have a "smart" or "chipped" keys - so just replacing the finish ring with one from the yard and reconnecting the wires should fix that up. Assuming that no other damage was done to the assembly (pulled wires, wires broken inside, etc.).

Guest tony

thats good news as no other damage was done fortunately, will get the part off the breaker - thanks.

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