
Search Corolland!

By Jonathan, February 26, 2010

Hey guys, I'm in need of your help. I'm trying to change the rear engine mount on my wifes 2000 Corolla 1.8 A/T. The car is on Jackstands, the engine is raised (with a Jack) just enough to take the weight off the mounts. All three nuts have been loosen and the stud that holds the mount to the engine has been removed. However, it wont come out. When I try to knock the old mount out it hits the steering gear. It seems that It doesn't have enough space to come out. What Am I doing wrong!?

Please, I've been working on the vehicle since the morning, it's now 6pm. Please Please Please help.

thanks for your support!

you may need to lower the cross member its attached to.

Thanks for the tip! It's a good start. How do I do that?

Definitely have to get the crossmember off (at least partially). You have to remove wheels, unbolt brake calipers, unbolt control arms, and all bolts that hold the crossmember to the frame. Might have to separate driveaxles from hubs. Look at it carefully first, because you are dealing with moving parts, and the order in which you loosen/tighten things can be very important, probably crucial. If you are not really familiar with how suspension parts work together, it might be a good idea to get a repair manual. Your life is literally riding on it.

Edit: you might also have to loosen or remove the center member (another big piece of metal that runs perpendicular to the crossmember)

Definitely have to get the crossmember off (at least partially). You have to remove wheels, unbolt brake calipers, unbolt control arms, and all bolts that hold the crossmember to the frame. Might have to separate driveaxles from hubs. Look at it carefully first, because you are dealing with moving parts, and the order in which you loosen/tighten things can be very important, probably crucial. If you are not really familiar with how suspension parts work together, it might be a good idea to get a repair manual. Your life is literally riding on it.


Edit: you might also have to loosen or remove the center member (another big piece of metal that runs perpendicular to the crossmember)


Thanks for the advice!! all of you have been of Great help!

I'll look into that.

Thank you.

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