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2001 Corolla - Cd Player Just Died With A Cd Still Inside

Guest sonicking


I have a 2001 Corolla - the old gal is as reliable as ever. However, my CD player (came with the car) just died all of a sudden. I started the car one day and the CD player just would not play. I kept pressing the buttons and I got nothing. Worse yet, there is still a CD inside.

I wonder. Does anyone have any suggestion to "resurrect" the CD player? If not, is there a way to retrieve the CD? Thanks a lot in advance.

If the radio also doesn't work, then it could be the fuse.

If the radio does work, then to eject the CD may be as simple as removing the fuse, waiting a few moments, and then replacing it (or just disconnecting the battery for a few moments). That should trigger the CD player into ejecting the disc.

On the other hand, maybe there is no disc still inside-- maybe you ejected it previously and just forgot about it...

Guest sonicking

Thanks. Just a follow-up.

The radio still works. The CD is definitely inside.

Would your suggestion matter whether the CD player has died permanently or temporarily (if it is possible)?

If you hit eject, does it make any noise? One thing to try, disconnect the negative terminal of the battery for a minute or two, then reconnect it. Most OEM radios will automatically powercycle and cycle the eject mechanism by default. If that doesn't work - sometimes pressing and holding the eject while you cycle the ignition kay can sometimes work as well. There is a emergency eject hole that close to the eject button (hole it located in the CD slot) - that also cycles the CD loading mechanism. All else fails, you can remove the headunit and disassemble it enough to dig the CD out yourself (actuate the loading/unloading mechanism's gears).

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