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Problem With Transmission. Corolla 2005

Guest graks

I am sorry for my bad English. I have problem with transmission control module of automatic tr. a246e. Does anybody have photo of this detail. This transmission control module contain  some balls. I want to know how many balls are in there and what ball belong what chanel.

Sounds like you need a detailed drawing/schematic of the valvebody and all the included spring, pathways, and check balls. That would be tough information to find - you'll almost have to get a copy of the Factory Automatic Transaxle Service manual, to get that much detail.

Might be easier to ask us what you are after - as if you need to get down to that much detail, you may have gotten more than what you can work with. If there is something wrong with the valvebody, easier to just swap out with another. If you are trying to modify the valvebody, you also need to play with the clutch bands internally or change line pressures - something that most do not have the proper tools to even attempt.

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