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2000 Corolla Ignition Key

by BShanahan14rulz, September 28, 2009

So, I was kind of hesitant to post this as its own topic, but is it normal for the key to be very hot after pulling it out? the metal area around the ignition keyhole is also very hot. Like, uncomfortable to touch, and can't hold finger down on it for more than 3-5 seconds if you push your finger down really hard on it.

Definitely not supposed to be that hot - even a little warm is reason for concern. Could be a number of things - first thought I have is electric short in the ignition switch - but could be via heat conduction. Quick test - stick the key in the ignition but don't turn it - check in a few minutes and see if it gets hot. Then run the car for the same amount of time and note any temperature differences. If there is - then start looking for a short.


I've had a hot key before many times, but only from driving after the car sat in the sun. The internals of steering column remain hot even after the A/C cools the dash and inside air.

The internal temperature of my Corolla, after sitting in the sun, have reached 130+ degrees and surfaces as high as 150 degrees, definitely uncomfortable to touch, and I'm just in Indiana.

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