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Need 1999 Corolla Man Trans Shaft Spec

by Bob Sisson February 6, 2009

I am going to attempt to convert a 1999 Toyota Corolla LE (manual) to an electric. An option is to go "Clutchless" as the Electric Motor is content to go to ZERO RPM at stops... and because of the wide power band of electric motors, shifting is infrequent. Most local driving is done in 2nd, with a shift to 3rd for highways.

That said, I will need to find/have made an adapter from the Transmission input shaft to my Motor output shaft. I have the specs and dimensions of the Motor shaft...

Can someone point me at where to find the Transmission Input shaft specifications?


Interesting project. While I cannot offer any of the information you request, perhaps you could give us some more details of your project. What are the specs of the motor you are using? Please include HP and torque numbers, operating voltages, current consumption, estimated range, etc. What kind of batteries will you be using? Do you intend to shift the manual transmission while the car is in motion, or just leave it in one gear? If the former, it would seem necessary to attach the motor's output shaft to a standard flywheel, which the clutch could then engage as usual. Then, the transmission input shaft wouldn't need to be changed. Am I right or wrong?


It sounds like a really complicated project, but very interesting. Wish you all the luck with the nice project.


I don't have the specs, but if your project is successful, you could get it patented.

It is the way that autos are going. There woukld be a great demand for it, if cheap enough.

for the health of the transmission synchros you do sort of need a clutch to break the power flow and let the transmission line the gears up.

Topic List: Go to Toyota Corolla, Chevy Prizm (1998-2008)