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How To Reduce Noise?

Guest lsw00kor


I'm an audio mania,

and my '94 Corolla is now too old to enjoy music on it.

There are noise-reducing kits in the form of either dynamat or sprays on the web(

Is there anybody who's got experience in this kinda work?

My concern is, it may be too complicated to work on the inside of the doors, floor or the passenger compartment, or the roof. I think, rather, it may be easier to work on the front food and the fenders. Also, for these two areas I'm considering working on, I think.... using spray may be much better than using mats.

Is there anybody who could reduce noise by working only on the front hood and the fenders?.....

I'd appreciate your advice.

Thank you very much.

Only if you are interested in lowering the noise from those areas - if they are being hit by debris from the road. Otherwise - they will not help lower the sound floor for you - they are mostly exterior panels. To get the best benefits of sound deadening - you have to bring it into the cabin of the vehicle.

Spraying would definitely one of the easiest ways to apply the sound deadening material - but also involves the most amount of prep to protect interior pieces from overspray.

If you going to go all out - best bet is to pull all the interior trim and carpet out (spray or sheets). Overlapping the seams will also help keep miose to a minimum as spaces will cause problems. Doesn't matter what brand you go with as long as the ASTM acoustical loss factor is high. The higher the value - the better it is at controlling noise.

Dynamat makes great stuff. Brown Bread and B-Quiet are also highly rated.

Good Luck.

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