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Corolla Valve Tool

Guest RichardB

Hi All,

Has anyone tries the following valve tool for taking the shims out of corollas? It looks much like the factory tool at a reasonable cost. I have two corollas which need valve adjustments and this tool, at ~$30 would save me hundereds of dollars. My Toyota dealer will exchange the shims for me.

Any other folks out there who do their own valves?

Thanks in Advance!

Looks very similar to the SST that Toyota uses. I've used the ones that mount to the head and have a lever arm to press down on the "bucket" to get the shim out. I personally like the lever types to the plier style - more leverage, even loading on the lifter. Though this should work just as well. Hopefully you also have a little swivel mirror and a magnetic pickup to help with the job.

I'm not sure about shim prices - last time I had to get new ones - they set be back about $10 a piece. Still, a truck load of money less than what the dealership would charge.

Good Luck.

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