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Coolant Smell 2006 Corolla?

by Sean, April 8, 2007

Popped the hood on my wifes Corolla yesterday after a short trip and noticed a strong coolant smell.

The coolant level was about half way between low and full in the reservoir and I havn't found any obvious leak.

This morning, after everthing had cooled down, the coolant level was about an inch and a half above the low mark in the reservoir.

I havn't paid any attention to the coolant level before so I don't know if it has gone down at all.

We are taking a long highway trip today and I am a little nervous.

Could this coolant smell be normal?

Has anybody bothered to check the coolant level in the reservoir on their new Corolla? Is it typically closer to the high mark?

It is a 2006 LE with automatic transmission and 13,300 miles on the clock.

Depending on where you have the car serviced - the coolant level is generally between the hot and cold marks. If it right above the cold mark now - could be a coolant leak somewhere - most likely from the water pump or one of the hoses. If this is the first time you noticed it - check over the next few days to see if the coolant levels keep dropping. Just take some water with you on your trip - if you only have to add a pint of fluid - shouldn't affect the mix too much and works well in emergencies.

Have you passed 36K miles? If not, let the dealer figure it out. You should NEVER smell coolant and I wouldn't go on a trip without getting it fixed first.

Well, we went on our trip with no issues. The coolant level appears to be holding steady. I will keep my eye on it for now.

Glad to hear that is OK - I would personally take it into the dealership and start a paper trail on this coolant issue. Just incase something happens down the road - you will have a paper trail that was started well into the factory warranty period. Want to make sure that you have your interests covered - as they say, CYA.

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