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2 Din In 2000 Corolla

Guest stanwad

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and I was wondering if it is possible (or even easy??) to install a 2 DIN head unit in place of a factory 1 DIN unit in a 2000 Corolla. It looks like one might have to do custom work on the center AC conduits...

Alternatively, could a 2 DIN unit be installed in place of the storage box below the AC?

I would like to replace my sony mex-1gp with a pioneer avh-p6850.

Thanks very much!

I've seen it down both ways - the cubby bin in the lower section of the dash will take a 2DIN unit OK. You just have to fabricate some brackets to secure the component. As for the 1DIN location - you are correct - you will have to facbricate somethere in its place (most just remove the two vents and fibreglass something in its place).

Guest stanwad

Thanks :-)

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