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Door Handle Pops

by amanoai, September 17, 2004

FYI for everyone else, the driver side inside door handle on my 93 broke. A plastic pin holding the top of the handle and spring was broken. So after a little investigating, I set the spring back in place and used a nail in place of the pin and it is now in working order. Quick fix that took 1/2 hour and practically no money. default_smile

This plastic pin you mention, is it the axis about which the handle rotates when pulled? Like a hinge?

Never looked at my inner door handle that closely... trying to picture it.

This plastic pin you mention, is it the axis about which the handle rotates when pulled?  Like a hinge?Never looked at my inner door handle that closely... trying to picture it.

Yep, that's it, it's on the top part, the bottom "pin" is molded into the handle. I spoke too soon, the handle with the spring popped out again. I fixed it the same way, this time I drove the nail partially into the lower part of the handle, I am hoping this will secure the spring.



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