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Oil Drain

by Screamingdan, September 16, 2004

Do they sell a easy oil drain plug forthe 05 Corrolla,had one on my former GT Cruiser makes it easier to drain.

If you're looking for an easy way of changing your own oil, you could try a Fumoto Valve ( ) or a Fram Sure-Drain. These gadgets allow you to drain the oil without having to remove a drain plug.

I'm not familiar with the setup on the '05 Corolla, but on the older Corollas I'd be concerned with this thing sticking down too low, and possibly getting hit. That could be a disaster. Personally, I think it's easy enough to just remove the drain plug.

I bought a Fumoto about 15 years ago and I used it for a short time on a car I had at the time, but I wasn't comfortable with the clearance issue.

  • 200 posts

Yeah, the drain plug is easy to remove if you can use a socket wrench and have at least SOME strength. default_smile

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