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What Would Cause A High Idle? 2001 Prizm

by PRIZM, September 21, 2006

Even after my car reaches operating temperature, the Idle stays at a constant 1500 RPM. This problem started 3 days ago and won't go away. The car doesn't seem to run any different. I Checked the vacuum hoses and they all look fine. Any thoughts? Thanks,


spray carb choke spray around the vac lines. check the engine coolant temp sensor. is it an auto?


Even after my car reaches operating temperature, the Idle stays at a constant 1500 RPM. This problem started 3 days ago and won't go away. The car doesn't seem to run any different. I Checked the vacuum hoses and they all look fine. Any thoughts? Thanks,


I think there is a kick-down on the throttle which is supposed to change the idle setting after the car has reached normal operating temperature.



Topic List: Go to Toyota Corolla, Chevy Prizm (1998-2008)