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List The Cars You Have Owned

by gremlin, July 15, 2005

See every reply in these pages:


1954 Chevy Belair

1963 Ford Falcon

1963 Pontiac LeMans

1964 Volkswagen Transporter

1965 VW Bug

1969 VW Bug

1969 Dodge Van

1973 Dodge Maxivan

1979 Ford Econoline Van

1973 VW 412 Wagon

1986 Ford Aerostar (2 different)

1990 Ford Aerostar

1980 Dodge Omni

1979 Plymouth Horizon

1983 Plymouth Reliant

1984 Ford Ranger

1978 Ford Pinto Wagon

1992 Toyota Corolla

1991 Toyota Camry

1989 Ford Festiva

1995 Toyota Corolla

1991 Toyota Tercel

1991 Toyota Corolla

1993 Toyota Corolla

1994 Toyota Corolla

1992 Toyota Corolla

This list is in chronological order and does not include the motorcycles, and recreational vehicles.

Every car or van/minivan has a story, but it would take too long to tell. Just started back in 1971 when I first started to drive.

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