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From justdoitmikey, June 9



At Toyota, we are committed to making the workplace, marketplace, society and the world a better place for all. We all have recently experienced heartbreaking, disturbing and challenging events that are having a devastating impact on multiple levels and communities nationwide.

We all have witnessed unacceptable bigotry and a lack of education around the COVID-19 virus to more recent societal issues of violence, killings and racism against African Americans in Minnesota, Kentucky, Georgia and elsewhere. These events may be difficult for many of us to process and our thoughts are with all those directly affected and their families and friends.  

During this turbulent time our country is facing, we are committed to focusing on how we act as a company. Respect for People is and will remain, our North Star. We stand behind our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and we remain steadfast in our belief for equality, respect and inclusivity for all people. So now more than ever, we will encourage a constructive dialog to guide our actions as we continue to improve how we contribute to society, and inspire unity in every aspect of our lives, our business and our communities. Toyota will find additional ways of doing this by working together with our community partners across North America. Our message to those who are hurting is:  We see you. We hear you. And, we stand with you and for you.




With everything going on in the world right now, for a big Japanese owned company to take issues happening within the US as a big deal says a lot of about their moral compass. I just hope all this attention, the good and the bad, serves for a better tomorrow for everyone. 

A lot of companies are doing this but this one impresses me. They aren't really picking sides or taking a political stance. Just showing they care about their workers, customers, and general rights and freedoms we all have. All the more reason to respect the company. 


I am glad people are standing up for themselves and speaking out against everything but am I a horrible person for getting tired of hearing it? I don't mean to put the issue off but it is all people are going on and on about and I have gotten so many e-mails from companies over this and the virus, it has become too much. I can't even turn on the TV without hearing about it. I mean good on Toyota and all but most people would not expect an entire company to be okay with stuff to begin with. 

Edited by jmccargo121

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