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99 Corolla Park Not Locking

By HighCoroller, February 16, 2015

Hello all, thank you for accepting me and very nice forum you've got here.

I just recently bought a 99 Corolla CE Automatic from a private party, and overall it hasnt given many problems that couldn't be fixed with simple maintenance. (New Valve cover gasket, spark plug wires Etc)

The car has 210k on it, so i dont expect it to be problemless but one peculiar thing has been driving me crazy.

Sometimes when parking, the brake doesnt click into place. The stick will be on P, but if im on an incline i will begin to roll backwards and hear a CLICKCLICKCLICKCLICK that increases with speed, as if it is not catching.

No amount of jiggling can solve this problem, and the car will not start when it does this. I have to start the car on nuetral. This has been happening more frequently, and im not sure what needs to be done.

I had all 4 tires changed, and the only complaints about the brakes have been warped rotors (which i can feel quite prominently when driving)

Its come to me having to push the car manually to get the park to click in.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

Shifter cable and mechanism may need lubing and adjustment. Shifter cable may have worn out end bushings, beside being stiff to operate. There's also a neutral/park switch and a lock pawl on the transmission, at the other end of cable which may need lubing and adjustment... This might help:

Cable photos:

Wow, they're sure not cheap!

That sounds very likely

Ill take a look in the morning, I'm picking up the repair manual I ordered then.

Ill update on how it goes, thanks for the response!

Oh, and what type of lubricant would you reccomend?

Penetrating fluid like WD-40 in the cable, and some transmission fluid or engine oil will do just fine.

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