13ft.lbs. might be right - but it does sound a little low, personally. That might be the torque on the coil on plug igniter bolt, as that doesn't need a lot of torque to be secured.
Reason they list a range of torque ratings, depends on what sort of contamination there is on the treads of the cylinder head + that coating that they add to the threads from the manufacturer.
Most of the plugs I run across have an integral washer built in - you tighten the plug until it makes contact with the cylinder head (finger tight) - then finish with whatever the manufacturer lists on the box, ie. an extra 1/3 to 2/3 turns more. Even ones without the washer (taper seat) usually get an additional 1/16-1/8 of a turn.
You can verify with a torque wrench afterwards, if you feel like it. This is one of those things that you develop a "feel" for as you do them. The more you do these of things, the better you get estimating the amount of torque you are applying with your hands.
Myself - I've gotten pretty lazy with the plugs - I don't even use my torque wrench on those anymore.