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97 Corolla Front Wheel Bearing Replacement

By yobry1, January 4, 2015

I'm looking to replace the l front wheel bearing and have read all the horror stories of removing the old bearing and pressing in the new, so I've decided to just get a new hub and bearing to save time and aggravation of removing the old bearing. Is there anywhere you can buy the hub with the bearing already pressed into it? I've asked several sellers on ebay and amazon in the past week and no one has answered me. Also I've tried removing the hub from the car and it won't budge, any ideas on how to remove the old hub. Thanx in advance.

It's just like my 2004. You need to remove the steering knuckle. You can't get it pre-assembled, even if you buy the steering knuckle. The wheel bearing is pressed into the steering knuckle, then the hub is pressed in the bearing.

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Beside new front wheel bearings, your 1997 also requires new inner and outer wheel seals.

Timken/National # 510007,carcode,1275689,parttype,1672

National # 5696 seal set (wholesaler closeout $14.82),carcode,1275689,parttype,1860

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