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Hard start 1989 Corolla

By Guest gushiemc, September 26, 2003 in Pre-1997 Toyota Corolla and Geo Prizm

Guest gushiemc

I have a 1989 Corolla that is carborated. It has been hard to start in the mornings now that it has become cool.

The car turns over fine but doesn't 'catch' the first time. After two or three tries it catches if you massage the pedel and it gradually revs to mormal.

After a few seconds of warm up, your off.

This has been an on-going problem.

Afer a new dist. cap , rotor, fuel filter, carb adjust,clean and choke pull off examination; the car is no different.

I am the original owner and have had it serviced at the dealer.

Last winter there were several times I thought it's not going to start and I can see the same problem will occur this winter.

Otherwise it runs like when I first bought it. HELP.

Guest Paul Cherubini

Basically 3 possibilities: 1) Carburetor choke plate is stuck in the vertical (engine warmed up) position when the engine is cold. Typical cause is a corroded choke housing mechanism due to owner failure to change the antifreeze periodically and use nothing but a 50/50 mix of genuine Toyota Red antifreeze and distilled water. Coolant circulates through the choke housing mechanism so dirty coolant or aftermarket coolant = choke mechanism failure. 2. Fast idle mechanism of the carburetor is not working 3. One or more of the myriads of hoses connected to the carburetor is disconnected or improperly routed. Sometimes mechanics at the shop where your car is serviced forget to connect hoses or connect them to the wrong ports

had a similar problem on our 1990 holden nova (aussie clone of corolla). what's your around-town fuel economy like? we were getting only 6 kilometres per litre, and ours was hard to start etc. not only that, in the hot weather it frequently stalled - across intersections! (oh fun!). we got it tuned up, but it didn't really help. we fixed the problem by replacing the car, unfortunately........

Guest jorel

I have a 1989 Corolla that is carborated. It has been hard to start in the mornings now that it has become cool.The car turns over fine but doesn't 'catch' the first time. After two or three tries it catches if you massage the pedel and it gradually revs to mormal.


After a few seconds of warm up, your off.

This has been an on-going problem.

Afer a new dist. cap , rotor, fuel filter, carb adjust,clean and choke pull off examination; the car is no different.

I am the original owner and have had it serviced at the dealer.

Last winter there were several times I thought it's not going to start and I can see the same problem will occur this winter.

Otherwise it runs like when I first bought it. HELP.

Had the same problems until I read the owner's manual this summer.

It recommends you pump the gas pedal fully at least once when cold starting.

This locks the engine into fast idle. After 10 seconds you're supposed to pump the gas again to lower the idling and away you go.

Seemed weird to me but it works.

When it's cold out the manual recommends you completely press and depress the gas pedal two or three times to prime the engine.

The manual also says that when the engine is warm you should just turn the key to start but when the engine is hot you need to turn the ignition with the gas pedal floored.

Again, seems weird to me, but if the manual says it I'll go along with it.

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