Anyone know how or can give a link on how-to?
I've replaced a rear door on a corolla..pretty easy, but
the GM isnt so straight forward it seems.
Don't see how these things go on and off at the factory.
NILLINOIS, June 23, 2009
Anyone know how or can give a link on how-to?
I've replaced a rear door on a corolla..pretty easy, but
the GM isnt so straight forward it seems.
Don't see how these things go on and off at the factory.
not too hard, similar to most car front doors, some bolts hold the hinges to the body, dig apart the inside a little to unplug the door harness from the door, pop the rubber accordian off the body.
not too hard, similar to most car front doors, some bolts hold the hinges to the body, dig apart the inside a little to unplug the door harness from the door, pop the rubber accordian off the body.I was initially thinking that too, but it looks like the body side of the hinge is welded to the body, and I can't really see any bolt heads inside the hinge.
There has to be a schematic one the web somewhere.
aaaahhhhh ok, in that case you need to remove the hinge pin i think or it bolts to the door.
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