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I Have A Question About Washing Engines

Guest toyotacorollafx

hey everyone, i have an 88 toyota corolla fx. Its automatic and carburated. I never cleaned an engine before and am afraid to mess up electrical stuff if i do. I have an engine degreaser already, and my engine is super dirty and ready to be cleaned. What parts should be covered? Im gonna use my garden hose to wash it down.

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If you want your engine super clean, like new clean you need to have it steamed.

You can use degreaser, just be careful no to get it onto any belts, pulleys, or hoses because it may harm them. Don't get it on the fuel delivery system. Also, don't use it on anything that is normally greased. (I.E. anything under the hood that has a petroleum jelly like grease on it) Also avoid geting it on anything electrical (battery, alternator, and wiring) Other than that, you can use it pretty much everywhere else. Just spray it on, let it do its thing and wipe it off.

As for the hose: degreaser is a petroleum distallant, which is not water soluble. So the hose won't help you remove it. Plus, you could very easily get water into the carb, or into the electrical connectors. Also, if you don't let your engine cool enough before you spray it with the hose, you can crack your engine block. Personally, I'd stay away from the hose if possible.

Happy Cleaning,


Cover the distributor, carb, all wiring, battery, alternator, and exposed aluminum bits (depends on the degreaser). Read the directions - sometimes you have to warm the car up first - others work when engine is cold. Might help to use some elbow grease on the thicker spots with a wire brush or scrap off with a putty knife.

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