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Engine Washing

by induction1, October 1, 2004

i know this has been brought up before, but i cannot find it now! can the 1zzfe be pressure washed? if so, is it necessary to cover any components or take any other precautions? anything else?


Almost any engine can be cleaned - but pressure washing is a whole different story. Take the usual precautions - cover all openings, protect all electrical connections, disconnect battery, stay away from the coils, alternator, starter, etc. but go easy with it. Some forums actually discourage people from using pressure washers - even the mild ones are able to get water into fittings and connecters very easily.

Best way to completely clean up the engine, for show or similar, is to disAssemble it and get it hot tanked. If it is for cosmetic reasons - I'd use a water based cleaner (Castrol makes a decent one), a nylon brush, and a water hose to rinse it off. Be easier with a heated pressure washer with detergent - but too risky in most cases.

Good Luck.

Guest raycastro

I wouldn't do it. I found that water easily got into the spark plug wells, and it was a hassle to get it out.

What worked for me was a citrus engine degreaser. Just follow the directions on the can. It took two separate washes to get all the grime out. What I also did was use a low pressure spray just enough to rinse off the engine. I let the degreaser do most of the work. For stubborn stuff, I went in with a hard brush.

Afterwards, I spray the engine with a trim & tire protectant, which does wonders on the appearance of rubber hoses and black plastics.

Hi, if you meant, would it be ok if while washing your car in a "Car Wash" place, you were to open the hood and let the engine have it... I would say definitely NO... why? because if the high volume, high pressure soap solution were to get in any critical place like bearings in alternators, etc. you might damage stuff, or worse, end up not being able to re-start and go home.... I've used an engine degreaser with a garden hose to wash the engine down after it has cooled and had good results so far... Good luck... Jim

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