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Corolla 2006 Lx

Guest skygirl


I purchased a 2006 Corolla in April, and am pretty happy with it, however there is a clicking sound when turning This seems to happen only on a cold start. Unfortuntely the only time this sound does not happen is when I bring it to the dealer to have them check it out.

I have never had a car make this noise. Has anyone else had this problem?


Hey Skygirl. I am guessing by "LX" you mean LE? At any rate, where is the clicking sound coming from? Is it the steering wheel? If it is, it's probably the clock spring. I had mine replaced under warranty a few years back. Leave your car with the dealership overnight so they can test it when it's cold.

Guest skygirl

Hey Skygirl. I am guessing by "LX" you mean LE? At any rate, where is the clicking sound coming from? Is it the steering wheel? If it is, it's probably the clock spring. I had mine replaced under warranty a few years back. Leave your car with the dealership overnight so they can test it when it's cold.


Thanks for the info .... It is hard to say where the sound is coming from some times it sounds as though it is in the wheel area. Oh and I did mean LE.


That's a typical problem that is difficult to duplicate when presenting it to the dealer. Good suggestion of leaving it until the car is cooled down.

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