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Guest millstom

We recently purchased a gently used 2003 Corolla CE which has a keyless entry system tied into a security system. It has this little box with a red light mounted to the underside of the dash on the driver's side.

The problem is: unless we use the remote to unlock the driver door, the horn beeps. If we use a key to open the door, the horn beeps. It's really annoying.

Is there any way to disable this thing? Or else modify how it works so that it only goes off if someone, say, manually unlocks the doors from the inside with the security on? (i.e. they just broke out a window)

I've never seen a security system on a car where it goes off if you use a key to unlock the door. (!) Seems to me if you have a key, and have lost your remote, you should still be able to get into your own car. Surely this isn't how this thing was designed to work. Unfortunately it didn't come with any manuals so we can't read up on how to change it.

Thanks in advance!!!

If it's factory, 2003 owner's manuals are on ebay frequently or you can order from dealer.

Reason for alarm is that you might have opened the car with a tool or broke the window. That's why the alarm goes off if you don't use the remote.

I don't know the specifics on this alarm, but I can tell you what I know based on how it works on my other car:

The key fob is programmed to lock & unlock the alarm. If you lock the car manually (without the keyfob), the alarm does not get set. You would like to have the alarm disabled by unlocking the car without the keyfob. If this was possible, then your car could be broken into and the alarm disabled without the keyfob.

If you don't want the alarm to go off the next time you unlock your car using your key, then don't use your key fob to lock the car. But if someone breaks into your car, your alarm won't go off.

If the alarm is annoying, you might consider disableing it. That way it won't be activated when you lock the car with the key fob.

Guest RockinRolla

From my experience, the alarm and the power lock are independent from one another. They're designed that so that the lock/unlock button on your remote locks/unlocks your car AND arms/disarms your alarm. Like the Slalom said, if you don't want to arm the alarm, then don't use the remote to lock your car.

The alarms I've encountered do sound if someone tries to open the door handle, bumps the car (to a certain degree), or even tries to unlock the car manually. The logical reason for this is that if you have the remote to lock and arm the car, you should have the remote to unlock and disarm the alarm. Since the alarm works independently from the lock, you will not disarm it if you unlock the car with your keys (otherwise people can just pick the lock and not have the alarm sound like Bob said).

Anyways, it's just strange to me that one would lock the car with the remote and unlock it with the key. That only happens if you lose the remote (or it's broken/battery dies). In that case, the alarm will sound when you unlock the car with the key, but you'll need to disarm the alarm by pressing the hidden disarm switch somewhere under the steering wheel.

...the alarm will sound when you unlock the car with the key, but you'll need to disarm the alarm by pressing the hidden disarm switch somewhere under the steering wheel.

Where is this hidden disarm switch?


I think you are supposed to unlock the car with the remote.

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