Hi Everyone,
Many thanks for the wonderful support, tips and advise that you have provided in the past.
While getting new front tyres for my AE102 1995 Corolla Conquest, the technician told me that I need to have the fuel injectors flushed out at a cost of $150.00.
Technician couldn't tell me any benefits of the procedure except that it would give me more power and that its required given the age of my car (Done 332,000 kms), especially with regard to the amount of "crap" thats in today's fuel.
Anyway, I'm not sure about this one. In theory its probably a good thing to have done, indeed, to unclog the injectors and get rid of the "crap", but, its expensive.
They claim to do it by placing a hose with detergent through the engine head and having the car run and cycle the cleaner through with the "crap" etc coming out the exhaust.
I put a bottle of the Wynn's (It wasn't that brand, but very similar) fuel injector cleaner into the fuel tank and the car kept on "spluttering" and "jerking" and wasn't very plesant to drive. That has since stopped.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Leigh Styles.